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of nostalgia

what thinking far away is like in the moment, and while on the run from fae. Apr'223

variations on theme

memoirs from my brother and i on music, our father, and growth. Dec'22

curries & irises

curry got a lot heavier. irises too. and gravity's hungry for it all. Aug'22

embryonic lyrics


cirriculum for my ai child

raising a kid is hard, raising a machine kid in a dystopia is harder. Nov'21

post truth structuralism desires

philosophy, bullshit, and love. Jun'21

when i left alive

i miss my dog. Apr'20


class is in session. Mar'20

house plants

the house plants are bathing in our sleep. Feb'20

ekwus cosmology & other grimoires

the multiverse began with one being that, once divided, spawned a slew of gods and gravity. the lore of the four laws of physics meets the fables of emotional fallacies. Dec'18


another wall tacking. May'18

Erg0t N0thing

how a family of foragers discovers and treats sicknesses and worms. Sep'17

Wooden Leg

a liquor clerk fashions wooden legs for a nightmare. she's having an affair with a crooked log driver. there's an ornery tiny swan too. Feb'16